Saturday, February 11, 2017

Peter Parker/Spider-Man

Peter Parker is an orphaned high school student who lives with his Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Parker is just short from being a genius especially when it comes to science. When he his fifteen, Parker went to a public science exhibit with his school and was bit by a radioactive spider on the hand. The spider’s bite gave him extremely fast reflexes, strength, and other spider-like qualities. The most impressive of these abilities are clinging to almost anything, from any angle and a special sixth sense. This sixth sense allows Parker to know when danger or crimes are about to be committed around him.

Parker tested his powers against a professional wrestler with the name Crusher Hogan, who he pretty easily beat. Even though Peter knew how amazing and life changing his powers were, he decided he didn’t want to be a hero but that did change eventually. After walking home from school one day and having a burglar run past, which he could have easily stopped, he saw his Uncle Ben shot and dead on the floor of their apartment. He realized that if he had stopped that burglar, his uncle would still be alive. Peter then swore to fight every criminal and every evil person he came across to avenge Uncle Ben’s death.   

Of 10
Fighting Skill

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