Saturday, February 25, 2017

James Howlett/Wolverine

James Howlett is the son of John and Elizabeth Howlett. The family was very wealthy and lived on a large estate with many groundskeepers and servants. James was neglected by his mother because of his older brother's death and Elizabeth was very close to losing her mind. Though as time went on, James made friends with two of the other children living on the estate named Rose and the other nicknamed "Dog". Dog was very abused by his father, Thomas Logan, and had a very twisted view on reality and what is okay.

The three friends happily grew up together on the estate until Dog forced himself upon Rose. James went to his father about this and got Dog and his father fired. Having their twisted thoughts about reality the men came back one night and tried to kidnap Elizabeth, claiming Thomas and her were once lovers. John tried to stop them but was killed by Thomas as James walked into the room. This was the first time James had his mutation. He had razor sharp claws extend from the back of his hands. James killed Thomas and scarred Dog and Elizabeth killed herself after witnessing it all.

James and Rose fled to British Columbia after being tracked by Dog and James started going by the name "Logan". Logan became a miner and was adored by all the people in the small town because of his hard work and determination. He would grow in strength and eventually be able to run and hunt with the wolves in the woods surrounding the mining colony. But Dog never stopped searching for them. Dog eventually confronted them and fought James. Dog would have died that night but as Logan was delivering the last blow with his claws, Rose jumped between them. After her death Logan isolated himself from all human life and lived with wolves for many, many years. Eventually he would regain human interactions and join the X-Men.

Of 10
Fighting Skill

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